

Siliguri mayor opens Rs 204cr drinking water supply project

Siliguri mayor Goutam Deb today formally inaugurated the first phase of the second major drinking water project under the “Amrut 2.0” scheme at Gajoldoba in Jalpaiguri.

Siliguri mayor opens Rs 204cr drinking water supply project

Mayor, Siliguri Municipal Corporation, Goutam Deb (photo:Official website SMC)

Siliguri mayor Goutam Deb today formally inaugurated the first phase of the second major drinking water project under the “Amrut 2.0” scheme at Gajoldoba in Jalpaiguri.

This initiative, supported by the state government, aims to address the long-standing drinking water shortage in Siliguri and improve the overall water supply system for the residents under the Siliguri Municipal Corporation’s jurisdiction.

During the inauguration, mayor Deb highlighted that the project, with an estimated cost of Rs 204 crore, is a crucial step toward solving the city’s water crisis. “An intake well will be constructed at Gajoldoba to collect raw water from the Teesta river, and today we began laying the 28-kilometer pipeline from Gajoldoba to the Fulbari water treatment plant. This phase of the project is expected to be completed by December 2024,” he stated.


The mayor also expressed optimism about the project’s impact: “We hope to resolve the drinking water crisis by 25 December. Once the raw water from Teesta reaches Fulbari, it will be treated and supplied as purified drinking water to the entire corporation area.”

The water crisis in Siliguri has been a persistent issue, with residents facing severe shortages of safe drinking water. This project is expected to bring much-needed relief to thousands of households, ensuring a reliable and consistent supply of clean water.
